
处理2024-2025年FAFSA申请的时间表受到FAFSA简化带来的所有变化的影响.  教育部推迟了向全国高校提供经过处理的学生FAFSA信息的时间表.  As a result, we have a revised estimated timeline for 2024-2025 FAFSA applicants:

  • March-April:  BSU将开始接收学生申请人的FAFSA数据.
  • Late May:  BSU将通知学生新葡京博彩官网额外的信息要求,以完成财政援助申请.  完成申请的新生将开始获得初步的经济援助.
  • July:  Fall 2024 bills and official financial aid offers will be available in eServices.  Students will be able to finalize awards, request student loans, etc.

We want to emphasize that while the timeline for receiving information has changed, the resulting aid eligibility should not change due to these delays.


Successfully receiving financial aid requires a number of steps that must be completed. Below, we’ve demonstrated the typical path for incoming students. 如果您遇到任何问题,请与 Financial Aid Office.

The 免费申请联邦学生资助 (FAFSA) is available for the upcoming academic year on October 1. 所有联邦和州的援助项目, 请尽快填写此申请表.




在你的经济援助申请被处理之前,你必须被录取为攻读学位的学生. The application for admission can be completed online or through the BSU Admissions Office. 提交你的高中成绩单, 以及你以前就读过的所有其他大学的正式成绩单, 波士顿州立大学招生办公室. 我们的申请是全年免费的.


To apply for Federal and State financial aid, you need to complete the FAFSA. 完成FAFSA是免费的, 很容易完成,让你有机会获得最大的经济援助来源来支付大学学费.


不知道从哪里开始?  View these helpful videos.

How do I apply?

The 在线FAFSA可以在这里找到. You will need to log in with your FSA ID (or create a new ID if this is your first time). This can be used to log in to many different Department of Education sites, 所以一定要记住这个ID和密码.

Transfer students: 如果你已经提交了其他学校的FAFSA, 记得在你的FAFSA中添加BSU的学校代码002336,并要求你转学的学校取消任何未决的经济援助.


Financial aid funds are limited, so the earlier you can submit your FAFSA, the better!

REMEMBER: the FAFSA must be completed each year in order for you to receive financial aid. The FAFSA is available each year starting on October 1 for the upcoming academic year.

Fall 2024 & 2025年春季-完成2024-2025年FAFSA

2024年夏季将于5月13日开始,7月26日结束. All BSU Summer Session courses combined are considered only one term of financial aid, 登记及开票用途. 校内书店的图书收费将在夏季开始前大约一个月开始,并于5月17日结束, 2024. 夏季经济援助将于3月下旬开始处理,夏季支付将于5月24日开始.


  1. Register for all summer courses prior to submitting the BSU Summer Financial Aid Application.
  2. Have submitted a 2023-2024 FAFSA 以及其他需要的文件.
  3. Complete the 2024年夏季财政援助申请
  4. Meet Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress after spring semester.



你的夏季经济援助报价是基于你注册的总学分,如你的夏季申请所述. Your financial aid budget will be based on the number of weeks you are enrolled in classes. Your housing, 交通和个人开支预算将根据你注册课程的时间长短成比例.

如果你最终没有获得你在夏季FA申请中注明的学分,请立即联系财政援助办公室. 你可能会失去或不得不偿还你的经济援助.

This would include dropping classes prior to the start date of the class, 从任何或所有班级退学, 取消课程或任何其他注册变更.

Summer Pell Grant

夏季联邦佩尔助学金可能适用于尚未达到课程限制的本科生. 奖励将取决于你在秋季和春季学期的注册情况以及你在夏季注册了多少学分.


  1. 你通常有资格获得佩尔助学金,并且在秋季和春季学期都是全日制学生. 获得夏季佩尔助学金, you must take at least 6 credits (enrolled half-time) during the Summer term.
  2. 你通常有资格获得佩尔助学金,并且你没有在秋季或春季学期全日制注册. 获得夏季佩尔助学金, you can take any number of credits during the Summer term.

Summer Employment

A number of departments hire students to work full-time over the summer. 这些职位是有回报的,可以帮助你积累经验,并为你的教育费用提供资金. All students are hired through regular payroll funds during the summer. 学生必须在夏季注册至少6个学分,或者在秋季学期注册,以便在夏季在校园里就业.

经济援助办公室将发送电子邮件到您的BSU学生电子邮件帐户,通知您何时可以从您的电子服务帐户查看或打印您的经济援助报价. It is very important that you activate your student email account and check it regularly. 学生可以跟踪他们的经济援助申请的进度,并在线查看他们的经济援助报价. 要访问您的经济援助信息,请登录 e-Services site.

  • 登入MyBSU,选择“电子服务”.
  • 从左边的菜单中选择“经济援助”.
  • 获奖年份将会被展示出来. 如果有必要,你可以更改学期.

You can view your financial aid status and financial aid offer (award notification), as well as your bill. We encourage you to print them and keep copies for your records.


Once you have received an email notification to view your financial aid offer, log into your e-Services account. 从左边的菜单中选择“经济援助”; choose the appropriate semester; then click on Award Notification.

The “BSU财政援助指南2024-2025” will give you additional information so you can better understand your awards, 援助类型和其他一般性问题.

如果您的注册计划发生了变化, please contact the Financial Aid Office to reprocess your application.


COA并不代表学生的实际房间, board, 交通或其他个人费用. 所有学生的教育相关费用的允许部分是相同的,以确保所有学生在联邦和州财政援助的处理和授予中都得到平等和公平的对待. 超过标准COA数额的费用将需要用储蓄等非教育资金支付, 校外就业收入, 或者从家庭成员或私人贷款人那里获得个人贷款.


Tuition* $ 4,497
Fees** $ 585
Books and supplies $ 445
Housing and Food*** $ 5,608
个人杂项开支 $ 1,500
Total Semester COA
$ 12,635
Total Annual COA
$ 25,270


**2024-2025 fees are reflecting a 3% increase from the 2023-2024 rate.

***Housing and food costs are reflecting the projected rate increase for 2024-2025. 该税率将于2024年7月最终确定. 这些费用包括在学生的出勤费用中, when they either live on the BSU campus or live off campus (not with parent).

Grants and scholarships are gift aid and do not need to be repaid. 请参阅的综合列表 grant 我们网站上的节目及其描述. 如果你的经济援助报价包含补助金,请注意你的确切学分决定了你是否有资格参加某些项目.

Please contact our office if you plan to change your enrollment. If you withdraw from one or more of your classes within the first 30 days of the semester, your Pell Grant will be reduced to the new level of enrollment. If your financial aid offer includes work study, you can search for job openings on the 学生就业网页. Departments will list a brief description of the job duties and contact information.

For more information on accepting and requesting your federal loan funds, see Loans.

如果你正在获得额外的私人奖学金, 第三方代理付款, or waivers, please indicate this information when prompted to “Report Other Aid” in e-Services. 如果修改后的奖励导致您获得联邦或州财政援助的资格发生变化,将向您发送电子邮件.

所有完全批准的资金(不包括勤工俭学)将首先在每学期第10个上课日左右记入您的BSU学生账户. 你会想要建立一个直接存款

  1. 我们知道把你的援助送到哪里
  2. 你得到了及时的帮助.


  1. Logging into e-Services 并在左侧的菜单中选择“学生就业”.
  2. 选择“直接存款设置”.”
  3. 输入您的银行信息.

Voilà. #Done.

你的钱是你生活中很大的一部分. 它可以决定你能做什么,你能去哪里. 学习如何以正确的方式管理你的钱是控制你的生活的重要一步. 在校期间做出明智的理财决定将有助于防止毕业后像大学生一样生活. 永远记住“需要”和“想要”的区别. Work and save as much as possible to keep student loans to a minimum. Students who need a credit card should shop for one with no annual fee, 余额限额为500美元或以下, use it only for emergencies and pay the entire balance each month.



While student loans may be a part of financing your education, 在你借钱之前要考虑两件事:

  1. 你需要多少钱来支付你的教育费用
  2. how much your monthly loan payments will be after you leave school.

Determine how much you actually need to borrow before you request the loan.

Any loan listed on your award notice is only an indicator of what you are eligible 借而不是你自己 required to borrow. It indicates the maximum allowable amount that you can borrow from federal student loans; you can always borrow less. Remember, you can borrow at any time throughout the school year and request additional loan, if needed, at a later date. 新葡京博彩官网借钱的一些有用提示:

  • 只借你需要的东西.
  • 把你所有的贷款都记录下来.
  • If you are borrowing a loan that accrues interest while in school, 支付利息(如果可能).
  • Start making payments on your loan as soon as you can; even during school (if possible).
  • Notify your loan servicer if any of your contact information changes.
  • 如果你不能支付你的月供, 请立即联系您的贷款服务机构寻求帮助.
  • When paying for your education, the main goal should be to keep your debt to a minimum.

You can view your Federal Direct Student Loan records online at studentaid.gov.

学生需要选择接收BSU部门新葡京博彩官网注册日期和截止日期的短信, 财政援助和账单.

To begin – 拿出你的手机,去www.bemidjistate.,登入你的电子服务系统,并按以下步骤操作:

  1. 点击“账户管理”.’

  2. 点击“打开或关闭短信”.’

  3. Click ‘Read & Accept.’

  4. 阅读条款和条件,然后点击“接受”.’

  5. Click 贝米吉州立大学, then click ‘Save School Info.’

  6. 对你的手机号码进行必要的修改. 选择您的“服务提供商”,然后单击“保存单元格信息”.’

  7. 您的手机将收到一条带有密码的短信.

  8. Enter the PIN you received in the PIN box, and then click Save.

  9. You are now set up to receive text messages from BSU departments. 您可以按照步骤1和步骤2选择不接收短信,并关闭短信.

If your cell phone plan covers only a certain number of text messages, 如果您的手机服务提供商超出了您的月分配,则可能会向您收取来自BSU的任何短信费用. 如果你的手机套餐中有无限短信,那么从BSU接收短信应该不会花费你任何钱.